We’re sorry we can’t support Safari 5 in the theme itself.
Safari 5 is not fully HTML5 compliant, and has been known to have rendering issues with CSS3. Those browsers are now longer in Apple’s release cycle, and neither is Snow Leopard. Similar to how we discontinued IE8 support, we will no longer be supporting Safari 5 or older. So, it’s you should use plain text for that pricing or don’t worry about Safari on Windows as it’s no longer popular. For a test I tried different variations here: Ĭheck only first one $100 is showing in Safari (Windows), others aren’t. So when we use the shortcodes the old safari doesn’t support it.
Custom Headline & other shortcodes are built with HTML5 + CSS3 coding. Makes sense to me that Safari on Windows is too much so it’s not supporting HTML5 features.